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Standard Pump, 158

Lio Cheng Kung Hardware Technology Co., Ltd. offers Standard Pump with superior quality and reasonable price. Also, offers excellent 158, Standard Pump, ensuring high quality and professional performance. Furthermore, we provide customized solutions to our clients based on their demands and assure the delivery of all consignments within the promised time-frame. We are highly lauded for our timely delivery, customization solutions, and flexible transaction modes. Welcome to contact with us if you are looking for highly efficient Standard Pump.
Standard Pump


Standard Pump

Applied for milk beverage low alcohol liquid
Features :

158 Type Structure

158 Type Structure 3D

Type KW Input/Output
A B C D E F G H Kg Total Pump Head(M) 5 m 10 m
0.25 HP 0.18 1.0Sx1.0S 200 80 120 35 220 38 285 323 14 Discharge
2.68 2.17
0.5 HP 0.37 1.5Sx1.0S 248 110 138 42 262 40 318 358 21 5.64 3.99

158 Type Structure

158 Type Structure 3D

Type KW Input/Output
A B C D E F G H Kg Total Pump Head(M) 5 m 10 m
1  HP 0.75 1.5Sx1.5S 261 114 147 56 310 58 404 461 32 Discharge
14.81 11.51
2  HP 1.5 2.0Sx1.5S 261 114 147 56 310 58 404 461 34 16.63 12.94

158 Type Structure

158 Type Structure 3D

Type KW Input/Output
A B C D E F G H Kg Total Pump Head(M) 5 m 10 m
3  HP 2.2 2.0Sx2.0S 261 114 147 56 310 58 404 461 37 Discharge
23.14 19.30

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Our company is a reputed Standard Pump manufacturer in Taiwan. Our professional environment attracts the highest qualified personnel in our industry. We have built a reputation that all of our associates are proud to represent. Everything we do as a company is based on reinforcing our position as the finest, most responsive solution provider in the Standard Pump industry. Please feel free to contact us if you want to know more about Standard Pump.